Optimize your Emotional Intelligence

The challenge of our modern times; with all these conveniences, why are we still so unhappy when we have access to anything and everything we want?

We have become a society running, chasing, accumulating – what exactly? And Why?

Could it be we are chasing and accumulating in an attempt to fill the VOIDS because we are RUNNING FROM OUR TRUE SELVES?

Could it be that many of us don’t want to hear or feel what is really trying to emerge from our true self on an emotional, physical or spiritual level?

Could it be that we hide or allow ourselves to be manipulated to only experience happiness with that new toy, new car, new cell phone, new job, new girlfriend, new wife, attention, validation, more sex, new drugs, more money, etc…?

But does it ever make us truly content?

Stop Letting Your “Reactive Crazy™” Run Your Life!

When we don’t truly understand the ABC’s required for us to live a harmonious and balanced Life we may be led down the wrong path desiring things which cause us HARM and UNHAPPINESS, and there goes the CRAZY…

Most of the time, even when we attain all the things that promised HAPPINESS and BLISS, we are chasing things which only bring us SHORT TERM INDULGENCE, we don’t truly understand what brings us LONG TERM FULFILLMENT therefore we don’t know how to attain it, so we are left feeling depressed, empty and void of fulfillment…and there goes the CRAZY…

DESIRE is a natural state and is part of the human condition. However, if we don’t know how to balance this energy of DESIRE, we won’t ever truly understand how to balance between Receiving and Sharing. Therefore, being stuck in a state of wanting and attaining, wanting and attaining and around and around we go, only to be left feeling empty…and there goes the CRAZY…

Interested in the book?
I’ll email you when it’s ready!


A lighthearted guide to navigating life.
Learn why millions are embracing Emotional Intelligence.

In this book Esther helps us understand the two types of crazy within us all and how to stay in the Proactive Crazy™ more often than not using the principles of Emotional Intelligence helping us create a more happy and successful life.  EQ to the RESCUE  

REACTIVE CRAZY (RC)™ is anything that disrupts our internal peace, harmony, and balance, disconnecting us from our best selves and others causing us to experience sadness, depression, and anger resulting in a DRAMA FILLED LIFE.

PROACTIVE CRAZY (PC)™ is anytime we feel connected to ourselves and others in a peaceful, loving, joyful way resulting in a HAPPY and FULFILLED LIFE!


Esther has been a sincere friend for about twenty years. She has been a role model of emotional intelligence. She has inspired me to become a happier and kinder person because of the way she conducts herself with others. I am excited to buy her book so that I can have the perfect tools to manage all my crazy!

Sarah R.


By understanding my reactive personality, Esther was able to identify my level Reactive Crazy (RC) and help me shift it into more Proactive Crazy (PC)! She showed me a more sane and calm way of responding to negativity with a more positive approach to diffuse any situation and how to stay in the PC as often as possible.

Toni M.


I have a hard time opening up but Esther made me feel very comfortable and safe to talk about my struggles and what I was dealing with. Life is a work in progress and Esther has helped remind me of that and support me. I highly recommend speaking with her and having her guidance throughout your journey.

Elizabeth S.

Create Self-Awareness, Become Self-Managed and Experience more Health, Wealth, and Happiness using Emotional Intelligence

Ei-EQ = “A Ground-Breaking, Paradigm-Shattering Idea”

Emotional Intelligence (Ei) is the ability to recognize and understand your emotions and the impact they have on your behavior and how that behavior impacts others. It is the ability to understand, use, and manage your own emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflict creating win wins for all parties involved.

Emotional Quotient (EQ) is the score of your emotional intelligence faculty. The more you increase your emotional intelligence the higher your EQ score. Just like an IQ score, the higher your IQ score the more intelligence you are said to have. Therefore, the higher EQ the more emotional intelligence you are said to have which results in higher levels of success in life and overall, wellbeing.

A growing body of research is proving these “Emotional Muscles”are the key ️ to:

  • Personal Growth & Development
  • Optimal Health & Wellness
  • Fulfilling Relationships
  • Purposeful & Prosperous Career
  • Spiritual Connection to Self & Others
  • Overall Balance & Peace of Mind

EQ to the Rescue!

Ei-EQ helps us GROW AND EXPAND to become
the BEST VERSION of ourselves.

Meet Your Ei-EQ Specialist
& Founder of the Ei-EQ Institute

Alla Esther Levy, EIS, MSH, UCC

Alla Esther Levy, EIS, MSH, UCC is a Certified Emotional Intelligence Specialist (Society of Emotional Intelligence 2016), Certified Life Coach (Recovery Coaching Center 2014), Minister of Spiritual Healing (Loving Touch Center 2022) and Undercover Comedian (Dania Beach Improv 2024) from time to time with more than twenty years of experience in health and wellness, intrapersonal and leadership development. She is former President of the Holistic Chamber of Commerce in Fort Lauderdale, and founder of eieqinstitute.com, a platform dedicated to the awareness, education, and practice of emotional intelligence. Her concept of Recognize and Manage Your Level of Crazy with EQ™ is a lighthearted way of advocating, “Let’s become more emotionally self-aware and self-managed so we can achieve a more balanced and fulfilled life.” Her concept is used in a variety of ways throughout her ventures in the personal, holistic, and business arenas.

In 2019, Esther began her journey with Florida Balance Centers (FBC) and Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine (AIM), where she found not only the next phase of her career but also her life partner, Tom. Together they are a powerful force creating optimal healing and transformation for their patients who suffer with vertigo, dizziness, balance, and pain-management issues using an integrative approach of functional movement, nutrition, acupuncture, and emotional health techniques!

I’m here to be a friend, confidant, and a trusted advisor in times of need! Book a call with me!

Mission of the Ei-EQ Institute:

Ei-EQ is one of the MOST important faculties our human family MUST strive to learn and develop in order for our world to reach the transcendence so many so desperately desire.

My background as a certified emotional intelligence specialist, a certified life and wellness coach, and minister of spiritual healing with more than twenty years of experience has allowed me to share this information in a variety of ways.

I have done talks, workshops, classes, training, group and individual coaching on this subject and it has always drawn a wonderful crowd wanting to learn more about themselves and this topic of Ei-EQ… and how to recognize and manage your level of crazy™!

Thousands of individuals and corporations have embraced Ei-EQ into their corporate culture, personal and professional lives, understanding that it is the KEY to their overall and sustainable results.

The Ei-EQ Institute is a platform and community designed to help bring awareness, education and practice of emotional intelligence which would result in a more balanced and fulfilling existence for all those that want it … Learn, Transform, Impact is the intention and mission of it all.

How Can You Add Ei-EQ Into Your Life?

Take the FREE

This Ei-EQ assessment is designed to provide an insight into your level of Ei and the score of your EQ and it is based on your own analysis. Follow the simple steps below to take the quiz and learn more about your level of crazy!

Crazy Strategy

Schedule an Strategy Session where we will review your EQ Assessment results, identify your goals, and begin the process of you becoming a Transformer going from RC™ to PC™ achieving mental, emotional, physical and spiritual balance. 


I am available for Keynote Speaking, Leadership Development, Group Workshops and Strategy Sessions. Contact me at info@eieqinstitute.com to learn more about my services for businesses and organizations, or any of the services below.

The Book

Purchase a copy of my book, where you will get a deeper understanding of Ei-EQ as well as how I was able to go from RC™ to PC™ creating a life I love rather than one I hate or hide from. It’s a short and sweet pocket guide on practical ways to incorporate Ei-EQ into your life and experience amazing breakthroughs.

Other Ways to Manage Your Crazy




Mental &
Emotional Health

WUZI Online
Vertigo Recovery

For questions about our services please contact info@eieqinstitute.com.